Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I've been fucking up. And I'm gaining weight. This isn't a long post it's just admitting that I'm failing so that I'll stop running and avoiding this blog. I'm sorry everyone. I was doing so good but in classic William form, I'm fucking it all up and proving to be a failure.


  1. Today won't be a failure
    be strong hun

  2. William darling, we all fuck up epicly. Just pick yourself up and start again. Everyone messes up, but you only fail if you quit. :) Chin up! Xo

  3. Just accept that you messed up and move on. You can't succeed if you quit, you can only fail. Just move on and try again. Take a new approach and see how it works for you. If it doesn't work, then find another. You just gotta keep moving on and learning from mistakes.

  4. Your not a failure You are absolutely amazing and you'll find that motivation soon! We all fuck up. Were here for you William! Start again today or tomorrow I know you can do it :)
    Thanks for the advice and love in your comment. Means so much! You can do it I beeelllleeeeiiivvvveee in you! :)

  5. You will get back there, hun. You are still human! stay strong , love.

  6. Don't be sorry, We're here for you whether your up or down. <3
