Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm coming back pt. 2

I'm not going to make false promises or reassurances. I would like to catch up on everyone's blogs and get back to everyone's comments but who fucking knows. Idk. I'm mainly here to blog my thoughts, feelings, and progress. With that being said, I'm still a fat fuck. I weigh 143 pounds, not much has changed. My goal deadline is tomorrow, December 2. I was supposed to be a beautiful 123 pounds but alas. So fuck that deadline and fuck 143 pounds. I'm setting a new deadline, today is Decembwr 1st and I am genuinely excited about the winter season and holidays, I'm determined to make something of the remainder of this year. So my new deadline is December 31st, naturally, one whole month to kick start my new body and life for the new year. I just have to seriously try for one month - eating, excercising, blogging. I will be 123, I will be skinny, I will be beautiful, I will be good enough.


  1. you are beautiful!
    I'm sorry things aren't going as planned.. I'm kinda struggling too

  2. I'm horrible at deadlines, I always seem to fail.

    Good luck :)
