Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hello everyone! :D I am in an incredibly good mood today! One of the reasons is that I went to an awesome show last night! I'd love to say who played but it would give things away pretty badly. It was the first one I had been to in a while and it was so fun. I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while, hung out with newish friends, and listened to great music. Just a great night all together. :) This morning I hung out with a friend I haven't seen in forever. She's the sister of one of my best friends from high school who died in an accident so ahe has a very special place in my heart. Also, I've just weighed myself and I'm down to 141.8! How exciting! Idk how I did it, I mean I kind of just haven't been eating. I don't even really think about it, it just doesn't even cross my mind. It's a wonderful way to start things off. So starting at 147 this time with an ultimate goal in mind of 122 that was exactly 25 pounds to lose and I've already lost 5.2 of that! Gosh, it's just a great day. Anyway, I plan on posting again later today, who knows though! Things have been decently crazy lately. Until the next time I do post everyone stay steong and remember why we're doing this.

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