Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I just wanted to say a few things before my next real post. (I'm very critical, so even though my posts aren't incredibly long or creative they often take quite a while to write.) Anywayyy, I'm going to try and post several things today. 1.) A little survey about your habits, secrets, etc. 2.) A post strictly replying to forsaken comments. (I'm sorry) 3.) Those fucking old tips, quotes, etc I kentiojed forever ago. I really want to share those.

Somewhere in the mix of all that, maybe just each time I post, I'll update you guys on how I'm doing today. I don't exactly have a plan today. No fast in mind, calorie limit, anything. Now I don't mean that I'm just going to eat my ass off all day, it's just that I think the huge limitations and amoints of pressure I was putting myself under really overwhelmed me. And that's why I broke. So this time, I'm going to ease into it. If I'm about to break I'll just eat a little something, not fly off the handle and eat and drink for 10+ days. I need to regain (Instead of regain I originally had "get back". Really? What kind of fucking kindergarten vocabulary is that?!) that confident control over food, right now it's this huge, scary monster that sends me reeling out of control. So I guess I do sort of have a plan, just not the typical one. Now hopefully, I don't take for-fucking-ever to "ease into this". I need to lose some weight asap!

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