Friday, October 28, 2011

I've made it to the 130s!

Oh my god, you guys have no idea how excited I am! Well, I take that back, you guys are probably the only ones who understand how excited I am. :) Anyway, I've jusy weighed myself and I am 139 pounds exactly. Still high I know but since I've restarted (started this blog) it's the lowest I've been! Also, the mid 130s was always my safety zone for like two or three years straight. It was still higher than I wanted but I just never got above that which was a nice reassurance. This summer was the first time I had broken that and climbed all the way to 150 so it was really discouraging. I had never had to fight that hard or far (since my original loss). On a side note, I know that basically means I've lost 3 pounds in the last day which is highly unlikely. But I did drink those beers so I'm hoping I had retained water and that's why my weight hadn't changed at all yesterday. (actually lost fat weight but was retaining water weight) Sorry, I'm pretty ecstatic and am not quite sure how this post is turning out. xD I supposeI 've said what I wanted, I'll leave it at that for now. Thank you so much everyone for all of your support! I'm really not sure I would've made it without you. Stay strong girls, and if there are any other boys reading this you stay strong too. :)

Two predictions: I'm going to try to update later tonight, maybe just to say how the rest of my day went and to reply to comments. :) Also, I believe my friend is coming over with whiskey tonight. I've already agreed to it but made him promise to not get very much at all. The other problem is that he more than anyone, tries to get me to eat. It's not a rude or concerned attempt he just legitimately believes it's the nice thing to do. Bluh. I'm surprisingly confident I can avoid it though. Wish me luck everyone

Quick Edit: Idk if I ever made this clear but my first goal was to break back into the 130s. Done! So my new short goal is 135, only four pounds away!


  1. Congrats! You're doing amazing!
    And good luck tonight, you can get past it, i'm sure (:

  2. Yey! Congratulations!

    I hope everything goes well tonight :)


  3. Hey Willlll, congrats :) That is awesome! skinny bitch! :P Glad to hear you are doing better :) X

  4. OMG!! congrats, babe!! You are so awesome!

    Keep up the amazing work, and don't foget to stay strong.

